Friday, August 27, 2010

School Walk-through

This morning we went to see Joseph's classroom and meet the teacher and aides. They're all wonderful and Joseph loves the classroom. He was having so much fun that he threw a fit when it was time to go. We came home to have lunch and get Maria on the bus for kindergarten, when he wasn't allowed to go with her, he threw a fit again. Meltdowns are bad, but at least these show how excited he is about school, and that after the three weeks he rode the school bus to and from summer school, he remembers that the bus takes him there.

I filled his teacher in on everything since his IEP meeting in June, including our visit to the Nisonger Center. She said she doesn't think he's got any sort of intelligence problem either.

We also met his bus driver. It looks like I'm going to have to start getting up earlier. :( The bus is going to be getting here around 8:20, too late for Kristy to get him on the bus on the way to work.

We're leaving momentarily for his first occupational therapy session. I think he's going to enjoy that too.

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